Special Editions
Toltec Shield
Galactic Record
Starkind Entry
Void Dancer
Star Kachinas
Aton Rose
Spiral Goddess
Tetraktys Lake
Sheeva Lotus
Sol-3 Mag
The stored stencils received water damage some years ago, making them completely un-useable. There can be no more Special Editions made.
Each Special Edition was done following the original, in the same wave of creative energy, and using the same stencil. When it felt like a specific StarWheel painting, “needed a special edition”, then Aya would do it.
Whereas the StarWheel Collection is for sale as a totality, each SW Special Edition is for sale individually. The SW Special Editions are powerful gateways: they infuse private, public or sacred spaces with cosmic resonance.
Note: As of March 2025, the StarWheel Collection is currently not for sale. The StarWheel Special Editions continue to
be offered for purchase individually.
The StarWheel sutras offer some insight into the multi-layered and multi-dimensional energy expressed through the StarWheel paintings.