StarWheel mandala painting detail SW 077 Alta Rama by Aya.

Mandalas: A Rich History

Adapted from writing by visionary artist Aya. Used with permission.

For millennia, mandalas have been present in numerous cultures around the world — both Western and Eastern. In the West, Celtic spiritual symbols and knots are often laid in circular patterns, forming mandalas.  Many Romanesque and Gothic churches throughout Europe are adorned with beautiful rose windows that are essentially mandalas.

Cosmic StarWheel Mandalas:
A Look at Faces of Cosmic Consciousness
by J. J. Hurtak, PhD.

See pages 86-88 in ARTSOURCE Arizona, Volume VII.

[Please see the note at the bottom of this page.]

The word "mandala" comes from a Sanskrit root meaning "enclosing the essence" — and, therefore, ”sacred circle”.

The megalithic site of Stonehenge, the Buddhist temple of Borobudur in Java, the American Indian medicine wheels and the Tibetan Kalachakra sand paintings are all mandalas designed to tap the power of the circle. These structures act as wave-guides towards a "holy center", a vortex-node of transcendence.

For ancient cultures, the arts were “sacred” and not distinguishable from the mystical/spirit ways of entering in union with life and the universe.

Traditionally, a mandala is a sacred representation of the Universe as well as the pilgrim’s roadmap to evolve the Self.

Mandalas belong to the larger family of "Sacred Art”. Sacred Art came about with the specific purpose to blend the world of human affairs and the world of spiritual energies.

Sacred Art is the formulation of a deep inner longing within the heart of humanity: the need to reach for, access and integrate higher dimensional realities beyond body-mind perceptions.

As the modern world evolves towards a planetary community consciously attuned to a living universe, mandalas are being rediscovered as holistic tools which enable us to decode, map and activate the inner synergy of consciousness.

Mandalas have the power to come alive and to involve the viewers in a vision quest.

Within the rich history of mandalas, the StarWheel mandala paintings have been created to provide gateways for the enhancement of the shift in consciousness humanity is experiencing at this time.

StarWheel mandala painting SW 073 Kia Terna by visionary artist Aya.

Editor’s note, February 2025. ARTSOURCE Arizona, Volume VII — published in 2022 — is now being sold as a “collectible edition”.
The opportunity to read the magazine — readily, in a virtual edition — is no longer available.