StarWheel neo-mandala painting detail SW 089 Tri-Sula by Aya.

From Diplomacy to Visionary Art

Visionary artist Aya at Peace Garden Arboretum at Sedona Creative Life Center.

A native of France with an extensive academic background from humanities to political science, Aya started his professional life as a Cultural Attaché to the French Embassy in Singapore.  But a powerful inner guidance soon led him to travel the world — as a spiritual pilgrim.

It was Christmas day in 1984 when — in Santa Monica, California — he was gifted with a spirit vision prompting him to create a unique collection of large airbrushed paintings designed in the specific format of mandalas.  The vision was 12 series of 12 = 144 StarWheels, or vibrational templates, specifically tuned to facilitate enhanced attunement to the unified field and the multi-dimensional. 

Beginning in Santa Monica — and subsequently in Santa Fe, the Colorado mountains, and Sedona — Aya immersed himself full-time in the creation of the paintings.  In 2004, when the “family of StarWheels” comprised 9 full series (108 paintings), Aya emerged from the hermit-like and intensely focused lifestyle required to bring forth the StarWheels.  He turned his attention to Sacred Geometry. 

This new focus resulted in the Online School of Sacred Geometry and the extensive and copiously illustrated Encyclopedia of Sacred Geometry.

His many and varied other activities include his contributions to the Peace Garden Arboretum at the Sedona Creative Life Center— design, planting, green caretaking. Aya is also a yoga teacher.  He took his Yoga Teacher’s Trainings in Bali and Rishikesh, India.

A prolific writer, Aya has written extensively about the StarWheels and his vision of that which is possible in a world of harmony and peace.