StarWheel mandala painting SW 025 Toltec Shield by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 027 Galactic Record by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 029 Starkind Entry by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 043 Void Dancer by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 047 Star Kachinas by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 049 Aton Rose by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 051 Spiral Goddess by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 061 Labrys-13 by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 075 Tetraktys Lake by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 083 Sheeva Lotus by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 090 Room-of-Ra by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 094 Sol-3 Mag by visionary artist Aya.
StarWheel mandala painting SW 100 Tera-Cube by visionary artist Aya.

The StarWheel Sutras speak a language of metaphors, inner intuition and archetypal symbols.  They express the perennial spiritual wisdom from many traditions.  They launch many possible interpretations but let you pick your own.

SW 025 — Toltec Shield


The vision of ancient Toltec elders offering up a Sacred Shield
engraved with the star knowledge of their parent galactic culture.
A circular keyboard for star-tribal music.
A beveled hologram for time-line surfing.
A navigation compass for precise attunements
& flights of resonance
between light frequencies, space-time
& dimensions of consciousness.

The wisdoms of four previous worlds converge
towards the pyramidal center: Now.
Twenty is four becoming five. Five is one.
Sun-moon rising and setting are portals
for spherical time to spiral forward into center.
Twelve points to thirteen.

An invitation to re-enchant the power
of conscious mudras & ceremonial dances:
trace out the glyph-keys and activate their inner sonics. Re-creating a global culture of Star Ancestry.

SW 027 — Galactic Record


A master golden disk from the star archives,
template for evolutionary Cycles.

You and the Pyramid.
You are on top of the Spiral Temple looking down
at your ancient past,
and then you are at the bottom
looking up at your upcoming future.

77 steps were taken, 77 steps are awaiting:
some small, some big, all a Living Face.
The story of a galactic race, from root to seed,
playing out their unique magical parts
for the fleeting time of a universe.

From age to age,
harmonic alignments within the cosmic spiral
bring the players to remember Oneness.
Like the snake biting its own tail,
Evolution returns to origin.

SW 029 — Starkind Entry


This StarWheel heralds a collective Rite of Passage:
the entry of local humans into their global spirit inheritance.
The quarantine
of isolated life-on-earth has officially ended.

Earth Mother is lighting up all her grid-vortices,
while her human guests are holding hands
in a ceremonial merry-go-round.

Now it is time for larger awareness:
humankind is growing up into star-kind.
Beyond earth life, many more realms are revealed.

Higher players have gathered to uphold the Earth play ball
and help to co-create & guide the new collective destiny.
Glorious evolutionary codes are coming into fast activation.

The stars are reaching back
into the eyes of the sky-gazers.

SW 043 — Void Dancer


The Dancer within You is invited to be free,
to let go of all binding attachments:
material, emotional, mental, spiritual and more.

Boldly allowing your inner wings to unfold, without resistance.
This is Dancing the Void.
It is time now - jump in!

In each moment, make sure you honor your own death,
for great opportunities & gifts await you beyond the fears.
Gladly surrender all your needs & desires,
and your heart will taste an ever deeper peace.

Welcome the emergence of your shadow,
for it is proof that you are in the sun.
Invite the silence of the absence:
it is only a fuller presence.

By falling through the Void we learn how to fly.
Surrendering with grace brings true Power.

SW 047 — Star Kachinas


From their stars reflected on sacred mountain tops,
the Kachinas hear the call
and come visit the human tribes.

Invisible messenger spirits on the road of life,
they are the beings of Before and After.

They bring us glimpses of the larger universe:
Altair-Aquila, Kachina of the Tokpela West.
El Tanin-Draco, Kachina of the Tokpa South.
Almach-Andromeda, Kachina of the Kuskurza East.
Merope-Pleiades, Kachina of the Tuwaqochi North.

Four worlds have passed, four cycles of learning.
During the Vision Quest,
you stand at Source.

Now, you are the Emergence,
gloriously pregnant with the fifth world.
Heeding Guidance from on high.

SW 049 — Aton Rose


The Greek Fates were said to weave
human destinies on their looms.
They were filling in the karmic blueprint
provided by and for each soul.

This StarWheel is such a matricial loom,
a frequency map designed to harmonize human life and spirit.

Who are the Fates?
They are the various Decision makers within you.
When life brings up its many and confusing options,
who is deciding within you and how?

O Friend,
your many faces sit in a peaceful sacred council
and, in a single voice, come to this common agreement:
you are your own magnificent destiny.

Weaving your own fate
is being both center and periphery as One.

SW 051 — Spiral Goddess


The Great Star-Mother lovingly embraces the Play of Life.
Creation is a most gracious Way of Being.

The Mother's infinitely fertile womb is ever delivering the universes.
From her bountiful breasts spring forth rivers of honey-milk
to nurture her many-colored children.
Every child is a universal partner:
love sees no difference.

Timelessly, the cycles of embryonic growth
bring the single ovum-seed to full babyhood.
Underground, the mighty cosmic serpent vibrates the yoni-lingam:
sun rising over the moon mountain.

The Spiral Goddess has myriad faces: some are familiar & pleasant,
some are surprising & frightening... but all are Perfect.
She is in turn the ravishing maiden,
the bountiful mother and the all-seeing crone.
She freely gives all forms and freely takes them away.

Birth & Death happen within Life.

SW 061 — Labrys-13


A thirteen-ring Cross-Labyrinth, the sacred path of Pilgrimage.
Questing for the Inner Treasure.

The traveler’s staff is topped by a labrys,
the twin ax symbolizing our dual nature.
Many pilgrims are lining up in front of the entrance:
only one - the Real You - will successfully cross the threshold,
in perfect alignment with the Pathway of Light,
the Cosmic Axis of the spinal column.

On either side of the center labyrinth,
you zoom in on many colorful encounters
as you enter your inner journey
and start meandering through life’s experiences.

Upon the way, one has a choice:
to identify with the passing objects of ego-gratification
or to focus upon Realizing the Totality.

This is an invitation to walk again the Sacred Labyrinth,
this wondrous adventure from the outer edges of awareness
into the sanctuary of your own Holy Land: the Self.

SW 075 — Tetraktys Lake


Tetraktys 10 is the fourth triangular number.
Pure harmonics upon the musical scale.

The monochord flowers: One, Two, Three, Four.
The wind blowing, ride the sound.

The sail is swollen by your own breath.
Enter the grids of dawn, with awe, for a maiden flight.
On cue, the sky opens up to reveal akashic destiny:
filigree arabesques weave a pillow for your soul.

Harmony is your own name.
The music of the spheres moves upon the lake of life.
You choreograph the trajectories of your inner stars:
each step is a song,
every thought a symphony.

SW 083 — Sheeva Lotus


The emerging Lotus of Creation, between two Cosmic Breaths.
The seven petals represent the 7-limbed Shiva-Sheeva
in its Divine Dancer mode:
the poised head,
the four arms of creation, preservation, destruction & awakening, and the two feet of incarnation & ascension.

The symmetry of the mandala suggests Total Tranquillity,
while the interplay of the colors points to Total Activity:
the two seeming opposites are one:
the Inner Source, Heart of Shiva.

Sitting on the paired Thrones of the World,
the King of Yang is the master of the male, fierce & violent dance,
while the Blue Queen
blesses the gentle lyrics of Tenderness and Love.

The whole of Universal Creation is only a flower,
though vast to the human scale:
in time, it will be quenched by the Ocean of the Void.
To contain & enact all aspects of life
is realizing the divine fusion of opposites.

SW 090 — Room-of-Ra


The Room of Ra is the King's Chamber.
You are the King - and the Queen -,
re-united on the Sacred Throne,
at the center of the universe.

From your Eye of Ra, this is your spherical view
on the prolific Gardens you illuminate.
As the Sun-Source Aton-Ra,
your only purpose is to give out freely
the clear true Light that sustains Life.

At South, the now-friendly mask of Apophis,
the vibratory serpent guardian of the Kundalini.
At North, the symbolic Sekhmet, the cat & lion Goddess,
daughter of the Sun God Ra
and mistress of the Dragon-Snake.
In the realm of the Solar Gate,
Beauty in the Heart upholds the Cosmic Tree.

Rising out of the night, you cross the Grids of Dawn,
heralding a new Self.

SW 094 Sol-3 Mag


A magnifying technology for tapping Zero-Point Energy,
calibrated in a six-dimensional pyramid complex.

Attunement to the pulse of the universe
is a great spiritual lesson.

Star-Tetrahedral physics induces trans-dimensional power.
Each star branch builds up proportional harmonic cascades
to be fused in the central energy chamber.
The geometries resonate in polarized cycles
scaled to star magnitudes.

Harmony is the essential key to soul-spirit.

Poised at the cusp between two ages,
humanity is starkly reminded:
the highest technology is consciousness-based.

At the sovereign place:
Loving Compassion.

SW 100 — Tera-Cube


2-D projection of an ancient flat-top pyramid temple,
the sacred mountain at the center of the world.

The open-sky upper platform is the holy cross-roads
for inner & outer higher-dimensional contacts.
Do you remember?

The cosmic mountain is the throne of conscious royalty:
humans ascend,
light beings descend.

In the diagonals,
energy bodies are evolving from baby to angel.
In the 4 directions, scripts of symbolic rituals.

Entering the mountain-temple, there is the holy cave,
the Heart governing the spirit winds.

Exit from manifested cosmos
is Transcendence.