The StarWheel Sutras speak a language of metaphors, inner intuition and archetypal symbols. They express the perennial spiritual wisdom from many traditions. They launch many possible interpretations but let you pick your own.
[This description of the StarWheel Sutras is intentionally repeated on every Sutra page.]
Note: When using the search field to find a SW painting and its picto-koan, enter the painting number this way (for example): SW 017
SW 025 — Toltec Shield
The vision of ancient Toltec elders offering up a Sacred Shield
engraved with the star knowledge of their parent galactic culture.
A circular keyboard for star-tribal music.
A beveled hologram for time-line surfing.
A navigation compass for precise attunements
& flights of resonance
between light frequencies, space-time
& dimensions of consciousness.
The wisdoms of four previous worlds converge
towards the pyramidal center: Now.
Twenty is four becoming five. Five is one.
Sun-moon rising and setting are portals
for spherical time to spiral forward into center.
Twelve points to thirteen.
An invitation to re-enchant the power
of conscious mudras & ceremonial dances:
trace out the glyph-keys and activate their inner sonics. Re-creating a global culture of Star Ancestry.
SW 026 — Council of Nine
An ennead body of universal intelligence.
Nine: a pyramid of triads. Fruitful Horizon.
Nine knots on the Taoist stick.
Realizing ourselves as cells of the Whole Being,
our minimal body is now planetary.
The Guardians of Nine speak of consciousness cycles:
emanating from One
and returning to One.
Embracing all the cycles of life’s journey.
Multiples of nine radiate out the completion principle.
After collective harvest,
gathering back to family home
to count one’s riches and prepare the next season.
Under the Lake,
the Mountain of the Sun.
SW 027 — Galactic Record
A master golden disk from the star archives,
template for evolutionary Cycles.
You and the Pyramid.
You are on top of the Spiral Temple looking down
at your ancient past,
and then you are at the bottom
looking up at your upcoming future.
77 steps were taken, 77 steps are awaiting:
some small, some big, all a Living Face.
The story of a galactic race, from root to seed,
playing out their unique magical parts
for the fleeting time of a universe.
From age to age,
harmonic alignments within the cosmic spiral
bring the players to remember Oneness.
Like the snake biting its own tail,
Evolution returns to origin.
SW 028 — Nada Rupa
A chromo-sonic cymatic mandala
whereby color geometries shift into sound-waves - and inversely.
Bridging the 40 octaves frequency gap
between hearing & seeing,
one can listen to the visual music emitted by shapes & forms.
The 3 dots at center are the basic triad:
light - sound - pattern
involved in creating manifested reality.
As we merge the 3 points into a single focus with one-pointedness,
the separate sensory channels are unified in synesthesia:
seeing & smelling soundscapes,
tasting forms & caressing rainbows...
Awareness is the harmonic oneness
underlying all sense Perception.
Can you surf these waves of colors?
You are Light pouring through all of your windows.
SW 029 — Starkind Entry
This StarWheel heralds a collective Rite of Passage:
the entry of local humans into their global spirit inheritance.
The quarantine
of isolated life-on-earth has officially ended.
Earth Mother is lighting up all her grid-vortices,
while her human guests are holding hands
in a ceremonial merry-go-round.
Now it is time for larger awareness:
humankind is growing up into star-kind.
Beyond earth life, many more realms are revealed.
Higher players have gathered to uphold the Earth play ball
and help to co-create & guide the new collective destiny.
Glorious evolutionary codes are coming into fast activation.
The stars are reaching back
into the eyes of the sky-gazers.
SW 030 — Quanta Cross
At any crossroad there are options.
Be on the lookout for signs
to your perfect destination.
Sometimes, we only know for sure the very next step:
this is enough to start walking.
After Discrimination, time for trust & commitment.
If there are no clear signals, then allow yourself to stop
and become the crossroad, open-ended.
In each direction, a great leap and a new world:
up and down the ego-soul highway.
O Friend,
you already arrived.
As you cross the vastness of creation,
can you tell me how large is ecstasy?
SW 031 — Octave Shift
Octave shift records & activates a new frequency octave, a New Paradigm. This shift is a transformation on many levels:
cosmic, planetary, and personal.
A thundering clap or a flashing glimpse
and the former life-octave is suddenly overlaid by the new resonance arcing through the horizon of the Universal Body.
The familiar yet outdated masks are released
and recede into the background of consciousness.
Time stands still and space is non-local
- we are existing everywhere at once.
The spiral vortex of creation strobes in the new codes:
a time of Expansion.
At the very instant of the Shift, you can see, feel & hear
the infinite overtones of higher & lower octaves of awareness.
There is no end to Yourself as the moment is asserting its full Presence.
In essence, the Shift does not happen at a specific time,
it is just realized as the ongoing, graceful Event.
Stay there.
You are the Octave Maker.
SW 032 — Time Pyramid
A top view of the Time-Gate Pyramid,
The Door out of Time.
The three glimmering faces of past, present & future
beckon at us
while the fourth quadrant at north shifts open to reveal the
very First Time.
No time is all time.
The 11 radial cartouches are the hands of the 3-D watch,
ticking away the daily activities of waking hours.
The 12th hour of noon & midnight breaks the clock open.
The overseer being with golden eyes is You, the Time-Creator.
O Friend,
the impossible moment has come:
you have always been
and will be forever.
SW 033 — Lion Path
The cosmic Egg of Self
perfectly nested within the sphere of universal creation.
Essence within the myriad forms.
Man-Wo-Man, as the primordial androgyn.
Perennial Atlas is holding at arm’s length the yolk of Self,
grounded in evolutionary creation through the first chakra-gate:
two legs, two arms and head form the “5” of humanity,
while the grounding line adds the “6” of Cosmic Human.
The path of the Spiritual Lion is a perfect Balance between
macrocosm & microcosm, male & female, void & manifestation.
Ten other pilgrims prepared the way
by holding their geometric higher body
in contact with the ovum-self.
The membrane has been pierced: the egg is now fertile.
This is the opening of the Royal Road
from Sacrum to Atlas to Light-Source.
SW 034 — Temple Seal
Approach this StarWheel with a time-honored ritual:
circumambulation of the sacred site.
The directional highways, colors & cosmic frequencies
always lead to Center.
Four primary elements are the square foundations
grounding the Temple.
Learning to walk through and with Fire, Water, Earth & Air.
By progressive refinement, there is Entrance to the inner courtyard.
The washing of feet while crossing the ocean.
The fluffing of wings while jumping off the cliff.
The volcanic eruption while burning at the stake.
The loving moisture of the soil while sprouting new buds.
Many purifying rounds are the pilgrim's steps to the Holy.
Suddenly, the frequency signature is keyed.
The Spirit door opens wide.
Now, You are the Temple.
SW 035 — Root Blossom
Blossoming by the root...
Hanging upside down.
The Holy Fool, the daring one, choosing to explore
the global origins beyond the limiting individual patterns.
The Call of Source resounds within the heart of humanity,
activating bold evolutionary insights
and overriding the organized rows & cycles
of previous knowledge.
A soul-signal to let go of the past
and prefer true freedom to wordly security.
This is welcoming the Unknown and entering its unexpected Splendor. The laser light of Spirit beams through, reaching the center core.
The Body of Radiance takes over the Dance of Life.
The Root is the Crown.
Now you are blossoming at will,
in all seasons.
SW 036 — Twin Wave
Alternating polarities and their ultimate Union
at the moment of perfect balance -
when Ecstasy bridges the worlds.
This is the tantric key to creating sacred couples,
as well as the key to the mystical Inner Marriage.
The infinity sign is a universal symbol reminding us:
continually dance with and balance the polarities of life & energy.
This is the double alchemical vessel
within which the apprentice alternately dissolves
& coagulates the raw human nature
until the final Conjunctio is reached: the merging of opposites.
As the infinity hourglass unifies male & female, mind & heart,
light & dark, past & future,
one steps into the Power of the Present.
At the electrifying point of contact between the two spheres of Self,
the subtle loving touch becomes a full embrace,
and the whole family is born.