StarWheel mandala painting SW 102 Arbor Mundi by visionary artist Aya.

StarWheels: Unique on the Planet

Multi-Cultural Messengers of Peace and Well-Being

The StarWheel Mandala Paintings invite you to discover…

Adapted from writing by visionary artist Aya.  Used with permission.

The StarWheels are a unique collection of large airbrushed paintings designed in the specific format of mandalas and borne out of a spirit vision received at Christmas 1984 in Santa Monica, California.  The vision was 12 series of 12 = 144 StarWheels.  The StarWheel mandalas are vibrational templates specifically tuned to facilitate the transformations human consciousness is currently experiencing.

Currently 9 series of StarWheels (9 x 12 = 108 paintings) have been completed. They cover over 3,600 square feet.  Starting with Series II, the size of the originals is 6 feet by 6 feet.  The medium used is airbrushed acrylic pigments on canvas, through multi-layered stencils.  Entirely designed by hand and based on Sacred Geometry principles, accompanying each StarWheel is a title, a keyword, a hieroglyphic translation (Picto-Koan) and a symbolic description (Sutra) and many depths of consciousness-expanding archetypal and activation codes.

Why Mandalas?

Because Mandalas (“sacred circles” in Sanskrit or “Medicine Wheels” in Native American wisdom) are circular-spiral designs which embody — within their vortex structure — a powerful way to remap the perception of multiplicity into oneness.

“Aya has witnessed a powerful new creative surge that could shape the great art breakthrough of the future: the ‘neo-mandala formula’ for evolving new science and art forms.  The StarWheels are recasting artistic systems by showing micro-motion data for higher consciousness and restoring the imbalance between ‘art experience’ and the spiritual depths of perception.  The art technology of the StarWheels opens up a whole new world of unprecedented aesthetic and scientific possibilities.”

J. J. Hurtak, PhD. Author, The Keys of Enoch
Academy for Future Science

ARTSOURCE Arizona, Volume VII, includes “StarWheels:  Faces of Cosmic Consciousness” by J. J. Hurtak, PhD.

More about this insightful article can be seen here:

The creators of this website are not connected with the StarWheel Foundation, nor are we art agents.  Rather, we have been acquainted with the StarWheel paintings for more than two decades during which our appreciation for the unprecedented uniqueness of the visionary StarWheel Mandalas has continued to expand.  On this website we are offering the information we would like to have had when we first met the StarWheels.

It is our delight to share with you the opportunity to receive the benefits inherent in the energy of the StarWheels, which we have been fortunate to enjoy.

For a number of years StarWheel reproductions have been available, through Aya’s online store, including:

sets of 6 inches by 6 inches cards

StarWheel Wisdom Cards

Giclée Fine Art Prints

and more…

Aya has closed his online store while creating a new website for his current creative emphasis.

However, the 13 StarWheel Special Editions paintings are available for purchase.
See the Special Editions page on this website: